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     The All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM ) was started during May 1983 with its Coordinating Unit at the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad and ten Cooperating Centres at Anantapur, Anand, Bangalore, Hisar, Jabalpur, Ludhiana, Mohanpur,Ranchi, Solapur and Varanasi.The programme was strengthened during VII Plan by starting two new centres, viz., Kovilpatti in Tamil Nadu and Ranichauri in the hill region of Uttar Pradesh. The Varanasi centre was shifted to Faizabad in 1990 . The programme was further strengthened during VIII Plan with the addition of 13 new centres with effect from April 1995 at Akola, Arjia (Rajasthan), Bhubaneswar, Bijapur, Dapoli, Jorhat, Kanpur, Palampur, Parbhani, Raipur, Rakh Dhiansar (Jammu), Samastipur and Thrissur, thus covering 25 SAUs in the country.

 AICRP on Agrometeorology

NATP Projects

Location Map

  The Major Objectives of the Project are
  • To study the agricultural climate in relation to crop planning and assesment of crop production potentials in different agroclimatic regions. 
  • To establish crop-weather relationships for the major rainfed and irrigated crops in different agroclimatic regions. 
  • To evaluate the different techniques of modification of crop microclimate for improving the water use efficiency and productivity of crops. 
  • To study the influence of weather on the incidence and spread of pests and diseases of field crops. 


NATP Projects


Mission Mode                                                                    PSR Mode       

Development of Weather Based Forewarning Systems for Crop Pests and Diseases (MMP-III-17)


Geo-referenced resource inventory preparations for rainfed rice eco-system (RRPS-1)


Integrated National Agricultural Resources Information System (MMP-III-3)


New approaches to IPM in rainfed rice based production systems (RRSPS-22)




Near real-time monitoring of agrometeorological conditions for contingency planning in Andhra Pradesh (RRPS-32)




  • Agroclimatic Characterization  
  • Crop-weather Relationships 
  • Crop-weather Modelling 
  • Weather Effects on Pests and Diseases 
  • Agromet Advisory Services 

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